Historically, user roles in FloQast are applied across every entity an individual user can access. Now, Admins and Sys Admins can elevate any user with an Advanced User Account Role up to a Manager Role on a per-entity basis. This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of Entity Roles. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your ASM or reach out to support@floqast.com.
Elevating Entity Roles
Admin and Sys Admin Users will need to navigate to the Admin Settings > Team Members page in order to view or set Entity Roles.
Clicking on the entities count for anyone with an Account Role of ‘Advanced User’ will present an additional column for ‘Entity Role’ in the Manage Workspace Slider.
This dropdown can be used to elevate the selected user’s permissions to ‘Manager’ on a per-entity basis.
When making a change to this selection, keep in mind that this entity role will only be respected on Checklists, Reconciliations, Folders, and Notes. This means that the user will not have manager-level access to other parts of the app, such as Admin Settings, Dashboards, Analytics, and Variance Analysis.
Note: Changing the user’s overall Account Role on the Team Members page from Advanced User to any other role will result in clearing any individual Entity Roles.
Using Entity Roles
The next time the user logs into FloQast, they will have Manager-level access to the Checklist and Reconciliation parts of the app for the entities in which they have the Manager Entity Role. This will allow them to perform the following actions:
Folders Tab
- Add Folder via Subnavigation
- Delete Folder via Subnavigation
- Lock/Unlock Folders
Checklist Tab
- Add/Edit/Delete Recurring Checklist Items
- Bulk Reassign
- Delete Documents
- Delete Review Notes
Reconciliations Tab
- Add/Edit/Delete Reconciliations (and Rec Groups)
- Bulk Reassign
- Bulk Edit Auto Sign-Off Settings
- Delete Review Notes
For more information about FloQast’s user roles and permissions, please refer to the complete guide linked here.
Changes made to a user’s Entity Role are tracked within the Audit Report. This can be found in Admin Settings > Reports.