Users can manage their test procedures and test sheet directly in FloQast.
Step 1: Inputting Test Procedures
The first step in creating a test is to input your testing procedures. To add your testing procedures to FloQast, you will click on the +Add Testing Procedures hyperlink.
Clicking +Add New Procedures takes you to a window where you can add your Testing Procedures by filling in the box labeled Test Procedures and hitting done. Test procedures will be applied to all testing phases.
Step 2: Create your Test Sheet within FloQast
FloQast users can document control testing directly within the Compliance Management module. Admin, managers, and assigned testers can create a testing sheet from scratch or import a pre-populated FloQast testing template to start.
When you select “Get Started” the next step will be to identify the number of samples in a test, the number of columns needed for sample documentation, and the number of test attributes. (Note: Samples, testing attributes, and columns can be modified once the test sheet is created.) Lastly, select “Create Test Sheet.”
Next, testing attributes can be documented within the test sheet based on the number of attributes selected in the previous step. More attributes can always be added afterwards using the “Add” button on the top right corner
Select the test phase from the drop-down and then document your test sheet columns with desired sample select information.
If you select “Import Template,” you will be prompted to download a test sheet template to populate and click “Next” to reupload.
Within the test sheet template, you can customize the sample size for the test, add attributes for testing, and create tickmarks to apply to the test results.
Step 3: Edit testing assignments
You can also assign Preparers, Reviewers, and Due Dates by Testing Phase by clicking “Manage Testers.”
To bulk edit your Tests, please refer to the Bulk Edits to Tests help article.