To edit and manage your Testing procedures, assignees, and due dates navigate to the ‘Audits’ page and access the kebab menu icon and click “Revise Tests” Here, you will be able to use the Import Wizard to download a template, edit the details of your Test items, and upload the template into FloQast.
Download Tests: The first screen you will see will say, “Download Tests.” This will allow you to download the Tests template from FloQast.
Updating the Tests Template: Once you have the Tests template open, you will be able to make any changes. Columns A-D consists of details on your controls and is Read Only, meaning that no changes can be made to these columns.
You can make the following changes to your Tests Template:
- Test Procedures: You can add as much detail regarding your testing procedures in this section.
- Phases, In Scope?: The phases you have populated within the “Manage Testing Phases” on the Tests tab will populate with their own unique column. If a testing phase is Out of Scope, you can simply type in ‘FALSE’.
- Assignees: For each of your phases, you can add in Assignees. You can add multiple assignees to a phase by adding a semicolon between the two assignees' email addresses.
Due Dates: For each of your phases, you can add in Due Dates. Different due dates for your different assignees can be supported by using a semi-colon and having no due date assigned is deciphered by “ “.
IMPORTANT: When making changes to your template, there are some essential things to keep in mind:
1. Please do not remove/add any columns or tabs to the template.
2. Please re-upload your entire template (not just the items you are editing) with no filters applied.
3. The file will export to .xlsx format and should be re-uploaded in .xlsx. Uploading a .csv could return an error for you.
Select File and Validate: Once all updates to the template have been made, you can import your Tests document into FloQast and begin the validation process by clicking ‘Validate.’ This validation process will ensure there are no errors within your template. Once FloQast validates your file you will have the option to view your updated Testing details.