What is FloQast AutoRec?
FloQast has released the industry’s first AI-powered reconciliation solution that requires no rules definition whatsoever. FloQast AutoRec helps accounting teams automate the highly manual and error-prone process of reconciling transactions, which is core to the task of reconciling high-risk and high-transaction-volume accounts such as cash, credit card, and clearing accounts. Accounting teams can now accurately and efficiently reconcile one-to-many or many-to-many items across any type of general ledger (GL) account – saving them hours, and in some cases, days of work every month.
For more info, please visit https://floqast.com/products/floqast-autorec/
How do I turn on AutoRec?
If AutoRec has been enabled for you, you can follow the instructions below to begin using it! If you find that this option is not available, please contact your Accounting Success Manager, Setup Lead, or support@floqast.com.
FloQast AutoRec is turned on at an account-by-account level. The best way to enable it for a given account is to use our Inline Editing feature. Simply follow the steps/GIF below to turn AutoRec on for your accounts!
1. From the Folders or Reconciliations tab, hover over a particular reconciliation and click on the "Gear" icon to open the settings for that Reconciliation (available to Admins and Managers in FloQast)
2. Click "Edit" on the General Settings section
3. Select "AutoRec Matching" from the Reconciliation Type menu
4. Save your changes! The default will be to apply your changes to "this period and going forward." This will allow you to begin using AutoRec in the current period, and will also make it available in your future periods in FloQast.
Where does AutoRec appear within FloQast?
The option to "AutoRec" will appear underneath your accounts in both the Folders tab and Reconciliations tab. The option will only appear for accounts that have had FloQast AutoRec enabled.
How do I begin reconciling transactions?
Hitting the "AutoRec" button will launch a window where you will be prompted to upload two files*:
- Primary Source file listing all transactions for a given account and period (typically used as the list of transactions from your general ledger)
- Secondary Source file (i.e. bank or subledger system) listing all transactions for the same period and account
You may customize your file titles from the default "General Ledger" and "Account Number & Name" as well as the column and row mapping. Learn more here!
*Note that on your first visit to AutoRec, it will bring you directly to the settings page to customize your file names and column/row mapping.
If outstanding transactions exist in the prior period, you can choose to rollforward those transactions from the prior period as part of your upload to the current period.
What format do these files need to be in?
Both files must be one of the following formats: .xlsx, .csv, or .xls
Your files may contain up to one million rows of data each.
Both files must follow a specific template. You can use Settings to tell FloQast where to find your transactions in your files. Or you can use our default format:
Column A*= Date
- Date must be in excel-recognizable format, such as MM/DD/YYYY
Column B*= Reference 1
- Pick a reference field (i.e. description/text/memo) that is most likely to agree to the Reference 1 field in the other file
Column C*= Reference 2
- Pick another reference field (i.e. description/text/memo) that is most likely to agree to the Reference 2 field in the other file
Column D*= Amount
- Amounts must be listed in standard format with two decimal places (ex: $12345.67)
- Amounts from each file MUST be in the same currency
- Any debit or credit columns must be consolidated into a single column
- Consider the +/- sign of the amount, as it must match the sign from the other file
*If your files are not automatically exported into this format, you may customize what columns FloQast pulls these four pieces of data from. Learn more here!
Once your files are selected, you can hit "Import" and FloQast will begin reconciling your transactions! While FloQast is busy reconciling your transactions, the "Processing Files" message will appear. You can close out of this screen and still view that reconciling is in progress based on the "Reconciliation in Progress" message immediately under the account:
What does it look like once my transactions are reconciled?
FloQast will search both files that you upload to identify transactions that agree, even when the reference fields do not agree 100%. This would include transactions that agree:
- one-to-one
- one-to-many
- many-to-many
- single-sided (such as reversal JEs)
When FloQast has finished reconciling your transactions, you will be greeted with a green banner that says "Your reconciliation is complete." You can click "View Results" on the right-hand side of this banner or click on "View Results" underneath the Account to launch the AutoRec module.
If there is an error reading your files or reconciling your transactions, the message will say "Uh, oh, something went wrong!" in orange instead of saying "View Results." You can click on the link to view the details of the error message. Please check the format of your uploads and your settings and try re-uploading your files again by clicking on "Acknowledge" button to re-launch the module. If you continue to receive an error, please contact support@floqast.com for assistance.
Once you click the "View Results" or the "Reconciled" link, FloQast will show you your reconciliation results for this account and immediately display the percentage of transactions reconciled:
How do I reconcile transactions that are listed as outstanding?
All outstanding transactions will be placed in the "Transactions" tab. The left-hand side will show the remaining transactions from the primary file, and the right-hand side will show remaining transactions from the secondary file.
All columns are sortable by clicking on Date, Amount, REF1, or REF2. The primary file transactions and secondary file transactions can be independently sorted on their respective sides.
The columns are also searchable using the Search Bar. Each side can be independently searched to narrow the transactions displayed.
Checking the box next to a transaction (or multiple transactions) will pull the information to the center of the screen so you can compare the primary transaction(s) to the secondary transaction(s).
You may also utilize the "select all" button to select all visible transactions with a single click!
If you would like to select multiple (but not all) visible transactions, you may click the first transaction and then shift-click the final transaction in your range. All transactions between will be highlighted as a result.
When the difference between the sum of transactions of the primary file and secondary file net to zero, then you'll be given a green "Reconcile" button!
Clicking "Reconcile" will move the transactions to the "Reconciled Transactions" tab and remove the selected transactions from the list of outstanding items.
How do I undo a set of transactions that were reconciled in error?
On the "Reconciled Transactions" tab, simply check the box next to the set of transactions that you'd like to undo. You can select one or multiple at once if you need to undo more than one set of transactions. Once the checkbox is selected, a button to "Undo" will appear and you'll be prompted with a window to confirm the action. Once you confirm the action to undo, the transactions will be added back to the "Transactions" tab as outstanding transactions.
Can I add additional transactions after my initial upload?
Yes, you can upload files containing new transactions using our Progressive Reconciling feature. Click here to learn how to use the Add button.
Additionally, the Run Matching button will allow you to run your outstanding through the FloQast matching engine again after adding additional items and/or files.
How do I complete my reconciliation using AutoRec?
Once all possible transactions are reconciled in the module, AutoRec will automatically calculate your adjusted ending balance. You can export your reconciliation to Excel by hitting the "Save Reconciliation" button in the upper right-hand corner.
Tab 2 = Reconciliation template
- #fq-[account number] reference will automatically be placed next to the ending balance
- the balance from GL will pull from the Reconciliations tab in FloQast, we recommend refreshing reconciliations in FloQast prior to exporting this file
- the bank balance will pull from tab 6 "Bank Statement"
- aging analysis of outstanding items
- items 90 days or older will show in red font
- items 90 days or older will show in red font
- reconciled date, who reconciled (FloQast or specific user), and unique identifier for each reconciled set of transactions.
- enter your bank balance here
- we recommend taking a screenshot of your bank statement to copy here for additional support
Note: If you uploaded 20,000+ transactions, the above report will export to a .zip file that contains four files. Each Excel workbook will contain one of the respective tabs above (total of four files in the .zip).
When you are done utilizing AutoRec for the specific account, you can hit the "Back to Reconciliations Page" button to return to FloQast Reconciliations or Folders.
If you have any questions about FloQast AutoRec, please contact support@floqast.com