Just like Reconciliations and Checklist items within the Core FloQast app, there are controls available for the explanations and sign-offs on your Flux Report.
The following controls can be enabled within the Flux Settings for an individual report:
- Reviewers Can Modify Signed Off Explanations: If this setting is enabled, then Reviewers will be able to edit/delete explanations that were already signed off by the Preparer.
- Strict Report Sign-Off Mode: If you have included a final Report Reviewer, this person may not execute their final approval until all material accounts have been explained and all Review Notes left on fluctuations have been closed.
- Strict Sign-off Mode: The sign-off on a given account can only be completed by the designated assignee or a Manager/Admin on your team. A User cannot complete the sign-off on behalf of another User. This control will work similarly to the Strict Sign-Off Mode available for Checklist/Reconciliations, but for Flux signatures.
- Strict Explanation Mode: A sign-off cannot be completed unless an explanation has been entered for a specific account that has a material variance (materiality is determined by your threshold). If the variance changes after the explanation + sign-off have occurred, then an alert will be sent and the sign-off will need to be redone. You may be drawing parallels to the Strict Tie Out Mode for Reconciliations since this control will work similarly for Flux!
- Flux Completeness: This feature will automatically add missing accounts to your Flux Report each time you Refresh a report. This ensures you are always fluxing all material accounts! Your Trial Balance will be inspected for new activity in the target periods, and anything missing from your current Report will be added to an "Ungrouped Accounts" group at the top of your Report.
These settings are accessible by Admins and Managers in FloQast, and each Flux Report has its own set of settings. You may access them from the Settings button for a given report:
Flux Access in FloQast:
- Who can access Flux Reports? Users, Managers, and Admin Roles can access the Flux Reports
- Specific Flux Report access: Access to specific Flux Reports is determined by the report's "Base Entity". Ex. If a User, Manager, or Admin Role has access to a specific "Base Entity", then the respective User, Manager, or Admin Role will have access to the associated Flux Reports of that "Base Entity"
- How to grant access to a specific flux report? Have the "Sys Admin" or "Admin" Role grant access to the "Base Entity" of the associated Flux Report, via "Admin Settings: Manage Teams" page
- FloQast Roles that do NOT have access to Flux Reports? Sys Admin, Workflow, and Auditors do NOT have access to Flux Reports in FloQast