Variance Analysis customers now have a centralized complete listing of all of their variance reports, including the following functionality:
- Entity and Period Selector (A): Users are able to view variance reports by entity and by period, a similar experience as the rest of the app. Only one period can be selected at a time, and Quarterly reports only show up in the last month of the Quarter.
- Report Listing (B): Variance reports are listed in alphabetical order by report name. To access the report, the user can click on the report name. Key attributes include associated entity, period, FS type, report type (flux or BVA), comparison type, and last refreshed date. Each column can be sorted using the up and down carets next to the column header.
- Search / Filter Reports (C): Users are able to filter the view of their report listing by searching for key words, and filtering on attributes such as FS type, Report Type, Comparison Type, Status, and Report Reviewer.
Status and Open Items (D): Each report period has a status associated with it based on activity within the report.
- Not Started (Grey) : Report has not been generated/refreshed.
- In Progress (Blue): Report has been created and open items exist.
- Running Late (Orange): Report has been created and at least one open item is past due. Number of late items is shown in parentheses.
- Complete (Green): All open items have been resolved OR the Report Reviewer has signed off.
- Open Items (E): The Open Items count is reflective of each incomplete preparer and reviewer assignment on material fluctuations within the report. Incomplete fluctuations that are not assigned are equal to one Open Item.
You can click on the Report Name to be redirected to that report (1). Additionally, the user can access the detailed view by clicking on the status badge of any in progress, running late, or complete report (2).
Open Items Detailed View (F): The detailed view will show a listing of assignees with open items within the report, segmented by in progress and late. Any material items that do not have assignments will be included in the “Open Explanations” line. The status of the Report Reviewer will also be shown; however, to sign off on the report, the user must do so in the report itself. Clicking on the assignee will redirect you to the report and automatically filter for items assigned to them (example below).
Open Item Assigne Filtering (G): Users are able to filter the report listing for reports with open items assigned to a single or multiple users. When the listing is filtered, the count of open items associated with that user(s) is what is shown for each report.
Kebab Menu (H): The kebab menu allows Managers/Admins to create a new report directly from the Dashboard page. All users can also access the Manage Variance Budgets and Manage Variance Trial Balances.