FloQast AutoRec now provides users with the ability to automatically include outstanding transactions from the prior period into the current period's reconciliation!
When users are uploading source files in a given period, they can choose to roll forward outstanding transactions from the prior period. FloQast will include those outstanding transactions from the prior period with the new transactions being uploaded for reconciling.
Where do I choose to roll forward my outstanding transactions?
When you upload your source files for a particular month, you will be offered an option to "Roll forward outstanding transactions from prior period." Toggling the slider and importing your files will roll forward any outstanding transactions from last month to the month you are currently uploading files for.
What happens to the prior period after I rollforward its transactions?
What happens to the prior period after I begin reconciling the current period?
Once you have rolled forward the outstanding transactions or begun reconciling the current period, the prior period will show as "locked" as pictured below. You will no longer be able to create new matches, add new files, or reset in this period since all transactions have been rolled forward to reconcile in the next month. Your AutoRec results can still be exported, of course!
If you need to unlock the prior month then you must first reset the AutoRec results for that account from the current period.