You can view Snapshots of your various audit projects from the Audits tab, listed under the Snapshots column. Snapshots allow you to save and compare multiple versions of your RCMs, which you can use for version control and enhanced flexibility.
FloQast will automatically take a Snapshot of all your existing audit projects on the first of each month, for a duration of 18 months after an audit project has first been created. You can also manually create a Snapshot at any time.
The number next to the Snapshot icon indicates how many Snapshots exist for a given project. Clicking on the icon will pull up the full list of Snapshots. All Snapshots will list the creator and time of creation. The Snapshots that were automatically created by FloQast will all show the FloQast logo.
The kebab menu on the right side of the screen will provide you with the option to: Edit Name, Delete, and Download RCM Export (a template form of that version).
Clicking the Save Snapshot button allows you to manually create a Snapshot of the given Audit Project and will allow you to name it as well.
If you’d like to compare two versions of your audit project - or one version of one audit project against a version of another audit project - you can click the Compare button to pull up the Compare menu. From here you can select two versions to compare or you could compare a Snapshot against your current, live, audit project.
Once you’ve selected two Snapshots to compare, you will navigate to a screen showing a full breakdown of all changes. The navbar on the top left will allow you to filter the results by the following categories by clicking on them:
- All Resource Changes
- Blue: Updates
- Green: Added
- Red: Deleted
- Note: Red resource changes include both Deleted Risks/Controls as well as Deactivated Controls.
The color coding is maintained across the rest of the page for easy identification of the types of changes that were made.
Clicking the <- -> arrows will allow you to reverse the comparison. By default the older version will be compared against the newer version.
If you’d like to share these results, clicking the Export button will create a copy of the page in Excel format, with each of the filters as a separate worksheet.