The Review Notes module is a way to facilitate communication between team members. This is beneficial when collaborating during the monthly close process as all documentation will be housed in FloQast.
A user can leave a review note on any line item (checklist, document, account reconciliation) and designate an assignee. When an assignee is designated, the status of the review note will be ‘unresolved’.
The person who is assigned to the note will receive an email with a link to the review note. The assignee can then log in to FloQast, reply to the note, and change the status to ‘resolved’.
Note: If users are not receiving emails when review notes are assigned, ensure emails coming from are not going to spam or being blocked by IT.
When a note is changed to "resolved" status, the initial creator of the note will receive an email notification back indicating the note was resolved.
The reviewer can either ‘close’ the note if complete or change the status back to ‘unresolved’ if there are additional items to address.
All review notes in the close period will be rolled up on the Review Notes page to show the workflow.
In addition to leaving review notes assigned to other individuals, you can also leave a review note to yourself. This type of review note will show up as 'closed' in the application. You might want to leave this type of review note for the following options:
1) to remind yourself of a unique situation during the current close period;
2) provide additional support that review occurred;
3) as a reminder to complete a task at a later date; or
4) to leave a general comment on the supporting document. Note: when you leave a review note to yourself, there will not be an email notification.
When searching for Review Notes in the application, you can use our All Companies view and see notes across all companies or you can select a specific company and only see review notes for one company at a time.
Note: The creator of the review note can delete it by clicking the edit button and then delete.