By clicking on a Framework, users will be taken to the Framework drilldown view. From here an Admin or Manager user can take several actions:
Editing the Framework: Users can make edits to key fields by clicking on the "Edit Framework" button.
Modify Framework Name: Users can edit the name of their Framework by updating the "Framework Name" field.
Modify Linked Program(s): Users can update which Programs/Audit Projects the custom Framework is associated to by adding or removing relevant Linked Programs.
Modify Requirement ID(s) and Descriptions: Users can update the unique ID for Framework requirements as well as modify requirement descriptions.
Link Control(s): Users are also able to link existing controls to Framework Requirements by clicking on the "link" icon at the end of each requirement line item.
Delete a Requirement: Users can delete a requirement by clicking on the "X" icon at the end of the requirement line item.
Delete a Framework: Users can permanently delete a Framework by clicking on the kebab menu within the drilldown view and clicking on "Delete Framework".