To create a new Framework, navigate over to the Frameworks tab and click on "Add Framework"
After clicking on "Add Framework", you will be required to populate the following fields:
Framework Name*: Enter a Framework Name
Link Existing Programs*: Associate the Audit Project that the Framework will belong to.
Requirements: Here users are able to upload their associated requirements to a custom Framework.
- Note: Users do not have to use the template to upload requirements. As long the file is structure the same way and has a tab titled "Template", the upload will work.
Uploading a Template
After clicking on the "Add Framework" button, there is also the option of creating a Framework through the template provided under the "Requirements" sub-header.
Within the Frameworks template, depending on the requirement hierarchy, users will be able to assign requirement levels, assign a unique requirement ID, as well as add a requirement description. Instructions on how to do this can be found within the "Instructions" tab of the Frameworks template as seen below.
Once the file is populated and validated through an upload, the newly created requirements will create a "nested table" within the FloQast application. Here you can see the structure of the Framework, update the name of the Framework, and link any existing controls to a Framework requirement.
* - Indicates a Required Field