FloQast Projects is designed to help users efficiently track and manage recurring and non-recurring projects within the FloQast platform. This tool allows teams to stay organized, monitor progress, and collaborate effectively on various projects.
Any user can access FloQast Projects by navigating through the workflow navigation dropdown menu.
Once on the Projects Dashboard, you will see a list of any projects that you have access to. If you don’t have access to any projects, you can click the Add Project button to get started.
Create a New Project
To create a project, you will need to complete the following fields:
Project Name (Required): The name of your project. This is limited to 32 characters and can only contain letters, digits, and the following special characters: & ( )
- Note: Project names are case-sensitive, and duplicate names will result in an error message.
Project Owner (Required): This is a visual field designed to help drive accountability for a project.
- Note: Selecting a user as the Project Owner does not automatically grant them access to the project. You also need to select them via the Team Members dropdown.
Team Members (Optional): You can use this dropdown to grant other users access to your Project.
- Note: You (the user creating the project) will be granted access to it by default.
- Note: Any user with access to a project can view and modify the project attributes and all tasks within the project.
Time Zone (Required): Choose a time zone for your project to determine when notifications will be sent out for this project.
- Note: By default, this is set to America/Los Angeles.
- Start Date (Optional): The Start Date for your project.
- End Date (Optional): The End Date for your project.
- Labels (Optional): Assignees in FloQast Projects can have labels to represent their role on a per-task basis. By default, the Preparer, Reviewer, and Approver labels will be created for you, but you can remove these if they’re not relevant to your project and add any additional/alternate labels you need.
After creation, you can edit these fields anytime by clicking the three dots and Edit from the Projects Dashboard. Once you create your project, a folder for your project will created in your Cloud Storage Provider.
Completing Projects
Projects can have five different statuses in FloQast Projects: Not Started, In Progress, Completed, On Hold, and Archived. You can update the status of a project from the Projects Dashboard in the Status column.
Note: By default, projects with an Archived status are hidden on the Projects Dashboard. If you wish to see these projects, you can select them from the filter at the top of the projects list.
If you have any questions about FloQast Projects, please reach out to your Accounting Success Manager or Support@floqast.com