To create an Evidence Request, click Create Request on the Evidence Requests page. Doing so will take you to a page where you can populate the following attributes:
- Audit Project (Required): Select the audit project you are creating the Evidence Request for
- Process (Required): Associate your Evidence Request to a specific process from the selected Audit Project
- Type (Required): Select type of Evidence Request you’d like to create between General, Sample, and Population
- Linkages (Optional): Associate your Evidence Request to specific control(s) or Key Report(s) for the selected audit project Select none, one, or multiple
- Phase (Optional): Associate your Evidence Request to a specific testing phase for the selected Audit Project.
- Evidence Request Name (Required): Evidence Request short description
- Request Description (Required): Full request details
- Due Date (Optional): Set a due date for the recipient
- Requester (Required): The owner will default to the current user but can be set to another FQ user
Recipient(s) (Required): Add Recipient(s) from your existing list of contacts or create a new contact.
Simply click Add Recipient and you will be taken to the Select Contacts window.
1. My List: This will show you all contacts that have been added to your Contact List. (Note: By default, this list will be populated with existing FQ users).
2. Create Contact: Create a new contact by entering their First Name, Last Name, and Email address.
3. Import Contacts: Bulk import a list of contacts by uploading an Excel list of your contacts, including First Name, Last Name, and Email (see example of Excel template below)
- Reference Files (Optional): Upload files that may provide additional context for this request (e.g. list of samples, examples of support provided previously, etc.). Simply click Upload Files or drag and drop the files into FQ.
Once a request is created, you will see it on the main Evidence Requests page and the recipient will receive an email notification. Please see Responding to Evidence Requests (Recipient’s Guide).