To create a Control, you will select the ‘Create’ button on the right side of the screen and populate the various control attributes.
- Audit Project (Required): Select the Audit Project you’d like to add the control to
- Process (Required): Select the Process you’d like to associate the control to
- Control ID (Required): Create a new and unique Control ID
- Control Title (Optional): Control short description
- Control Description (Required): Full control description
- Primary and Secondary Owners (Optional): Select control owner(s) from list of current FQ users
Select Frequency (Required): Sometimes the frequency of the control does not actually line up with how often you want the control to be signed off in FloQast (i.e. “As Needed Controls” that may only require a quarterly (or less frequent) sign-off). You can set separate control and sign-off frequencies:
- Frequency: The actual control frequency
- Required Sign-off Frequency: The frequency that either a sign-off or a linked checklist and/or reconciliation is required. (Note: You can also select None if you do not want users to sign-off on these controls in FQ at all)
Select Attributes:
- Nature (Optional): Select between Preventative, Detective, and Corrective
- Method (Required): Select between Manual and Automated
- Impact (Required): Select between Key-Control and Non-Key
- Assertions (Optional): Select applicable control assertions (Existence or Occurrence, Completeness, Valuation or Allocation, Rights and Obligation, Presentation and Disclosure)