The Dashboard will be your landing page for FloQast ReMind. You can create a new Request from this Dashboard just like you can from the Create tab. Most importantly, you can view the status of your team's ReMind Requests, export your results to efficiently review the data, edit or deactivate/pause your in-progress Requests, and take action! To navigate back to the Dashboard from other pages, simply click on the ReMind logo in the top left-hand corner.
View Details:
For each Request in the Dashboard, you can learn who has/has not responded, view deliverability data, and send follow-up emails. Click here to learn more about the details view.
Edit Request:
Existing Requests with a message scheduled to send at a future date can be edited by hovering over the Request and selecting “Edit Request.” One-time Requests that have already been sent cannot be edited. You will notice that the “Edit Request” button will be greyed out and unclickable if the Request is not editable.
A screen will load with the summary of the Request details, which can be edited much like the Review Request page during the creation process.
Export Results:
Once your Contacts begin replying to your Request, you may export the results to review the data submitted. Click here to learn more about Exports!
Deactivate Request:
One-time Requests may be deactivated via the Dashboard. To do so, hover over the Request and select “Deactivate.”
A popup will appear to confirm the deactivation. Once deactivated, no further emails will be sent, and the one-time Request cannot be reactivated.
Pause Request:
Recurring (i.e., monthly, quarterly) Requests may be paused via the Dashboard. To do so, hover over the Request and select “Pause.”
A popup will appear to confirm the action. Once paused, all outbound messages will stop, but you may restart this recurring Request in the future.
Restart a Paused Request:
Paused Requests may be restarted via the Dashboard. To do so, hover over the Request and select “Restart.”
A popup will appear to confirm the action. Here, you will be asked to choose a new start date for the Request. Once restarted, your recipients will receive a new Request on the selected date.
Filtering the Dashboard:
Requests on the Dashboard can be filtered by Status (Active, Paused, or Deactivated), Request Owner, Entity, and whether or not a request is linked to a FloQast Checklist Item. You can click on the settings icon to bring up the menu: