Adding Folder
FloQast Admins and Managers are able to add a new process folder in the Folders tab of FloQast.
When you add a new folder through FloQast, it is added in both FloQast AND in your Cloud Storage folder structure. Folders added to Cloud Storage manually will not populate in FloQast, so please originate all folder creation within the FloQast app!
To add a new folder:
1. Navigate to the Folders tab and ensure you are looking at your desired entity
2. Right-Click on the first month you'd like to add the new folder to and choose "Add Folder"
3. You will be prompted to give your new folder a name
Note: Your folder list is sorted alphanumerically, so please keep that in mind when choosing your new folder name. If you require any existing folders to be renamed, please contact FloQast Support.
Note: Certain special characters or prohibited in folder names, and you will receive a message indicating any invalid characters that have been entered.
4. Choose whether you'd like this folder to apply going forward, or be a one-time addition to the selected month. The default will be for this folder to be added to all future periods within FloQast, plus new periods created in the future. Prior months will not receive this new folder- only the selected month and forward.
Deleting Folder
FloQast Admins may also delete a folder from Folders. To delete a folder, simply right-click on the folder you want to remove and select Delete Folder.
Note: you cannot delete a folder you are currently clicked into/viewing. If you have the Accounts Payable folder open, you will not be able to right-click on it. You must left-click a different folder, then right-click on the desired folder.
Deleting a folder will only remove it from the period you right-clicked on. The folder (and all historical data) will still exist in prior months.
If you delete a folder from the most-current month in FloQast, it will stop this folder from being created in future months when the Replication process occurs.
Note: FloQast will NOT delete the corresponding folder in your Cloud Storage. Right-click and Delete Folder in FloQast will only remove that folder from the FloQast app. If you'd like to remove the associated folder from your Cloud Storage too, please feel free to perform the same deletion there.