From the Checklist or Folders page, a journal entry can be created, linked, or cloned directly from individual checklist task items by clicking the Link journal entry icon. This action will automatically link the journal entry to the selected task.
Note: The journal entry icon will only appear for those entities that have JEM enabled.
From the journal entry view, you can also navigate to the linked checklist item(s) by selecting the Linked Items menu option.
Create, Link, or Clone a Journal Entry from a Checklist
Create a Journal Entry from a Checklist
To create a journal entry from a checklist, click the Create Journal Entry option. This will navigate to the new journal entry form and automatically link the journal entry to the task upon creation.
If the journal entry is neither saved as In progress nor submitted as Prepared, the link will be automatically removed since the journal entry was never fully created.
Link a Journal Entry to a Checklist
To link a journal entry, click the Link Journal Entry option. This allows you to associate an existing journal entry with a checklist task. You can select from journal entries previously created in FloQast, with entries sorted by transaction date (most recent to oldest). You can also search by journal entry ID (assigned by FloQast) or memo description.
Clone from a Previous Journal Entry
To clone a journal entry from a previously linked entry on a replicating checklist item, click Clone from Previous. If the entry was linked within the last 12 periods, it will automatically appear in the cloning modal. From there, you can view the last linked journal entry and choose whether to clone supporting documentation and journal amounts. The cloned journal entry will be saved in a “Not Started” state.
Viewing a Linked Journal Entry
To view a linked journal entry, simply click the journal entry icon and the journal entry will appear at the bottom of the page. From there you have the option to unlink a previously linked journal entry. Click on the row to navigate to the journal entry page to view the full details.
Syncing the Workflow Status to a Checklist (Manual)
To manually sync workflow statuses and sign off on checklist items, click Sync JE Status to Checklist Sign-Off in the journal entry action dropdown. If the journal entry has been reviewed, both the preparer and reviewer sign-offs will be synced, with the sign-off completion date reflecting when the entry was prepared and/or reviewed. Sign-offs are only supported for tasks with a single preparer and reviewer assigned.
Note: This functionality does restrict the Strict Sign-Off Checklist Settings, so if the sign-off does not occur, it could be due to the journal entry preparer/reviewer being different than those assigned.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I link more than one journal entry per checklist item?
A: Currently, this is not supported.
Q: Which journal entries can be linked?
A: Any journal entry that belongs to the same entity as the checklist task.
Q: When is sync available?
- Sync is supported when exactly one preparer and one reviewer are assigned to a task.
- Sync is NOT supported when a checklist task has an existing manual sign-off.
- Sync is NOT supported when a checklist task has a hard incomplete dependency(ies).
Q: Can syncing be an automated process?
A: This functionality is currently in build, please reach out to your ASM to participate as an early adopter.