Admin and Manager users have access to adjust/make edits to various parts of the table. (Note: Editing the table is similar to managing an Excel/Google worksheet. Edits to each cell can be made by double-clicking. Basic excel formulas can also be used.)
- Internal Floqast ID: This is a read only field that will automatically populate. No action in this field is required.
- Row 1 - Header Rows: You can edit or rename any header titles.
- Row 2 - Sub header Rows: You can edit or rename any sub header titles.
- Row 3: Typically used to add a weighted average for the qualitative risk assessment factors (e.g. 100%). You can edit this however you see fit.
- Row 4 and onward: This is where you will populate the data. Note that you can use similar actions to Excel/Google Sheets including copy, paste, formulas, etc.
- Inserting Columns: To create additional sections in the table, you can add columns to the right or left and add a header title.
- Inserting Rows: To insert rows above/below in the sheet, click the row headers and select Insert Row Above or Insert Row Above